The copyrights of the commentaries themselves remain with their authors. My responses and incidental text are copyright © 2004 Dennis Paul Himes

Commentary on The Greater Struggle

Text in normal font is commentary on my essay The Greater Struggle. Responses by me to that commentary are in italics.

The anonymous replies will be labeled Anonymous A, Anonymous B, etc., in order to keep track of when they're the same person.

I'll put the notation "[sic]" after spelling or grammatical errors in the replies to indicate that the errors were in the original text. In the interest of fairness, I'll do the same to errors in my own responses which I notice after I first post them.

  • Anonymous A with a word of thanks

  • From: Anonymous A
    Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 22:53:38 -0700

    thank you, I was looking to see if the us [sic] has a list of "respected" or "valid" religions and I found your article, it gave me great perspective!

    You're welcome!

    You can go to the essay this page is in reference to or to my homepage.