copyright © 2005-2006 Dennis Paul Himes

The contents of this page are preliminary. They won't become canonical until the first version of the Tale of Tifa Walbatnuwa Siina is up. - DPH

The Seezzitonian Language

Seezzitonian was the language of the SSildifian Empire, and is still, even to this day, the primary language of scholarship among the asiit.

The English term Seezzitonian is pronounced /se DI 'to nI @n/. The Seezzitonian name for Seezzitonian is Paapaitit Seezzitoyit, which means, somewhat misleadingly, "Language of Seezzito". Seezzito is the northwestern region of the island of Poto. The name is misleading because Seezzitonian was spoken all across Poto. However, it was Seezzitonians who founded the empire, so the language came to be named after them.

The Seezzitonian text at the top left of the page says Paapaitit Seezzitoyit. The text runs from the bottom up. The left word is Paapaitit and the right word is Seezzitoyit.

