copyright © 2022-2024 Dennis Paul Himes


Soon after I first started hiking seriously in 2004 I started getting into peakbagging. Since then I've done the New Hampshire 4K, the New England 4K, the Adirondack 46, the Northeast 111, the Catskills 35, and the New England 50 Finest lists. I'm still pursuing the New England 100 Highest, and trying to redo the Northeast 111, but lately I've been getting interested in completing trails. Here is a list of trails I've done, trails I've partially done, and trails I'm interested in doing some day (not necessarily realistically). I've set a cut off of 20 miles, or else this would be full of day hike trails.

These are the meanings of the columns:
Name: the trail's name, with a link, usually to the maintainers' organization
Length: the length in miles - If I've completed it the length when I completed it, otherwise the length the last time I updated this page
States: the states (or provinces) it passes through, in postal codes ordered by length of trail
Status: red: not started; yellow: started, less than half done; green: more than half but not completely done; blue: done
Type: whether I did it as a Through hike or a Section hike
Dir.: direction I went (or am going) in. FF = Flip Flop = out of order
Year: year I completed the trail
Links: hyperlinks: TJ: Trailjournal; TLyear: trail log; PG: dedicated picture gallery

NameLengthStatesStatus TypeDir.YearLinks
Appalachian Trail 2194 VA,ME,
TL2004 TL2004 TL2004 TL2005 TL2005 TL2005 TL2005 TL2005 TL2005 TL2005 TL2006 TL2006 TL2006 TL2006 TL2006 TL2006
TL2006 TL2006 TL2007 TL2007 TL2007 TL2007 TL2008 TL2008 TL2008 TL2008 TL2008 TL2009 TL2009 TL2009 TL2009 TL2009
TL2009 TL2010 TL2010 TL2010 TL2010 TL2010 TL2010 TL2010 TL2010 TL2010 TL2010 TL2010 TL2011 TL2011 TL2011 TL2011
TL2012 TL2012 TL2012 TL2012 TL2012 TL2012 TL2013 TL2013 TL2013 TL2013 TL2013 TL2013 TL2014 TL2014 TL2014 TL2014
TL2014 TL2014 TL2014 TL2015 TL2015 TL2015 TL2015 TL2015 TL2015 TL2015 TL2015 TL2015 TL2016 TL2016 TL2016 TL2016
TL2016 TL2017 TL2017 TL2017 TL2017 TL2017 TL2017 TL2017 TL2018 TL2018 TL2019 TL2019 TL2019 TL2020 TL2020 TL2020
TL2021 TL2021 TL2022 TL2022 TL2022 TL2023 TL2023 TL2023 TL2024 TL2024 TL2024 TL2024
Pacific Northwest Trail 1200 WA,MT,ID
Arizona Trail 800 AZ
Great Divide Trail 702 AB,BC
Colorado Trail 485 CO
Mid State Trail 327 PA
Superior Hiking Trail 3001 MN
Long Trail 272 VT T NOBO 2009 TJ PG TL2005 TL2008 TL2008 TL2009 TL2010 TL2010 TL2010 TL2011 TL2011 TL2012 TL2014 TL2014 TL2014 TL2015 TL2016
TL2016 TL2016 TL2016 TL2016 TL2016 TL2017 TL2017 TL2017 TL2018 TL2019 TL2021 TL2021 TL2022 TL2022 TL2023 TL2023
TL2024 TL2024
Ouachita Trail 223 AR,OK
Cohos Trail 166 NH T NOBO 2017 TJ PG TL2004 TL2007 TL2008 TL2010
Metacomet-Monadnock Trail 114 MA,NH S FF2 TL2007 TL2007 TL2008 TL2008 TL2008 TL2008 TL2008 TL2009 TL2009 TL2010 TL2011 TL2017 TL2018 TL2019
Sunshine Coast Trail 113 BC
Wonderland Trail 93 WA
North South Trail 77 RI,CT S SOBO 2011 TL2010 TL2010 TL2010 TL2011 TL2011 TL2011
Foothills Trail 76 SC,NC T EABO 2023 TJ PG
Pine Mountain Trail 56 KY,VA
Cranberry Lake 50 50 NY T CW 2022 TL2022
Monadnock-Sunapp Greenway 48 NH TL2009
Tunxis Mainline Trail 42 CT S FF
Nipmuck Trail 41 CT S FF 2020 PG TL2015 TL2016 TL2018 TL2018
Taconic Crest Trail 37 MA,NY,VT S NOBO 2022 TL2022 TL2022 TL2022
Mohawk Loop3 36 CT T CCW 2017 TL2017
West River Trail 36 VT S FF 2021 TL2014 TL2016 TL2017 TL2021
Shenipsit Trail 36 CT S FF PG TL2016 TL2016 TL2017 TL2017 TL2017 TL2018 TL2019
Chilkoot Trail 33 AK,BC4
The Devil's Path 24 NY S FF 2022 TL2010 TL2011 TL2011 TL2012 TL2012 TL2016 TL2017 TL2019 TL2020 TL2022 TL2023
Narragansett Trail 22 CT,RI T EABO 2012 TL2012 TL2017


1. or 260, if you skip Duluth
2. mostly NOBO
3. This is the only trail here which isn't an official trail. It's the Mohawk Trail plus the section of the Appalachian Trail between its ends. It's a known thing, though, not something I made up.
4. Currently (August 2022) this is closed at the border.

A more complete list of trail links can be found in the Trails section of my bookmark page.